Monday, May 19, 2008
Making up for Lost times
18 Days Later: But I didn't have the zombies to blame
I've had variations of the conversation with a couple of people today but I'm turning into a boozer. I've never been a huge drinker, I have my drinking binges but I think that's a LOT of my problem. I'm drinking alone, I'm drinking with others, and when I'm not drinking I'm thinking about. I'm exaggerating a little to make my point but I just don't get it. So, while I'm not saying good bye to you Mojito, I am saying you aren't welcome unless I invite you. I'll be drinking at Steve's party but I've got to demonstrate some semblance of self control.
Eating bad is just killing me though. I feel icky and old. My bones are all achy like Billy Ray Cyrus's heart. My synapses aren't even firing like they should. I have a shrunken dehydrated head, in the inside. So, I'm putting an end to it. I know I'm complaining but this is for my benefit so I can remember why I don't enjoy doing this. Why, once again, I'm trying to close that chapter of my life and reinvent myself.
Positive Changes:
- Today I'm not drinking
- I'm eating healthier today
- Taking my vitamins
- While I drank a diet Wild Cherry Pepsi; I didn't enjoy it and I forced myself to drink 24oz of water before I could have one.
- One day this week, and maybe more than one day, I'm going to workout in the morning. This is something I want to be a habit.
Things To Do Today:
- 40 minutes of cardio and abs
- Put away all those CDs I started unpacking
- Finish putting away all the clothes I moved over from the old apartment
- Collect my TV Tuesday stuff (ie. recycling, laundry, Netflix for Ash, and Bender's Big Break for Dad)
- Dishes/Clean Kitchen
- Measure table for Lisa
- Go to bed on time and think very seriously about working out tomorrow morning
- Watch Lost on the net, I'm freaking ready for more!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Just don't get it in my eye...
I took an off day today since I forgot my workout clothes but I did go up and down 3 flights of stairs four times. I also saw a couple of friends of mine, Robert and Elena, and it really helped motivate me. Elena has been doing the raw food diet with great success. I've been wanting to try it again because I felt so much better the week I did it for. I'm going to try a different approach this time. No. More. Cold. Turkey.
Things I Accomplished Today:
- Zack is a pimp and picked me up an external hard drive case so I did this through him... ok, I did nothing but I feel like I accomplished something by asking him to pick it up for me
- Took all of my vitamina vegimin and drank all of my water before I left work
- Found two new routes
- Did this, even though I'm ass tired and want to crawl into bed
Things I NEED To Do Tomorrow:
- Find Uhaul place in Lewisville (Might be the one Dana used in Corinth off of 35)
- Schedule my truck for Saturday
- Buy beer for the boys
- Move crap out of the laundry area/couch zone
- Get rid of crap on my hard drive so I can force that 80 gig to work it like a dancer
- Be at work on time
- Take those two boxes back to work
- Have a moment of Zen while watching the devil clock's goatee swang like it just don't care
- Work on my magnets and fez (mental note: Zack needs to get me fabric if he wants a fez or I can look at Grannies on Sunday... or felt at Wally World)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Somebody has a case of the Mondays!
So, I wanted to pull off a total body workout, abs, and 40 minutes of cardio but I didn't want to be at the gym for two hours. I haven't been working out like I used to for about a month so I decided just to do the total body and take it easy. Half way through my workout I was jazzed and thinking about going for the cardio anyways. Let's face it, I was high on endorphins, once they wore off and my leg exercises kicked in I was thinking about cutting out early. In hindsight, I don't know how much I would have been able to do had I decided to do the cardio to begin with. I'm glad I went.
God, I love lists, I made this one on Sunday.
Rewards! Mama's one step closer to a Kim Kardashian booty!:
- 15 pounds lost (34 pounds total) = pedicure or massage
- 30 pounds lost (49 pounds total) = $100 for video game stuff or electronics
- 1st or 2nd in the contest = leg waxing (I won't have to do it myself, yay!)
- At the end of the contest = One decadent meal at Giovanni's (I have a coupon if you want to join me, Persian and Italian food... nummy) and a massage
- 70 total pounds = laser hair removal
- 90 total pounds = more laser hair removal and microdermabrasion (or facial)
- My goal weight: 118 total pounds = a ginormous HDTV flat screen that would give the boys wood and some Diesel jeans
Things I've accomplished today:
- Cooked dinner and extra veggies
- Total body workout: 17 reps/3 sets (7.5 pounds) of Back and Chest on the Freemotion machine, Shoulder Press 17 reps/3 sets with 8 pound free weights on ball, 20 reps/3sets of Reverse Lunges (on the step up box) with extra ass flex at the end (for Kim's booty)
- Abs 20 reps/3 sets of the bridge and cobra
- Drank all of my water
- Took all of my vitamins (even the vitamin C that I keep forgetting)
- I didn't eat it when I almost fell of the step up box at the gym but only barely
- Hung my devil clock but his goatee isn't swinging like it should :(
- Made my desk at work look purdy
- Watered my plants and did this
- Managed to not get my coworkers into a strangle hold, tee hee, even though I wanted to
- Most likely I'll also go to bed early since I'm finishing this up at a reasonable hour
- Oh, I almost forgot, I touched roses
I think I'm out of here. Plans for tomorrow... I'm just working and then Elena and are going to the Lane Bryant outlet mall and we might workout. However, I've planted to seed of a day off so I might take my day tomorrow if we aren't feeling like walking or anything.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Rosie the Riveter says, "You can do it!"
I was trying to get the totals for the men's challenge today, to see how much work I had cut out for me, but I was denied. D-effing-nied, I tell you. :)~ I think he was just trying to be a twat, but where there is talent, there is always a place to shine and sometimes, tragically, your own spotlight. I did get the figures out of him, eventually, and I promptly informed him that I would be taking the number one competitor, it was just a matter of time. He told me, "There was no way you can beat him." Thanks bro, there's no better way to motivate me than telling me that I can't or shouldn't do something. Yay, I found my motivation, while it may be fraught with spite, it's still the motivation I need. I felt like Lock on Lost, "Don't tell me what I can't do!"
So... diet and exercise news, I can't say there's much to tell. I didn't want to go to the gym today and I didn't. I walked the neighborhood around my dad's place for as long as I'd do cardio, and came back and did my abs. And because I'm SO efficient, I made a grand while I was walking the streets, he he, not, but I did do my laundry while I was practicing for my Biggest Loser victory lap. I carried the torch and waved and the moms and kids like I was Miss America.
This is so dead to me. I'm SO sleepy.
This is what I accomplished today:
- My laundry
- 40 minutes of cardio
- 20 reps/3 sets of the bench ab work
- Took all of my vitamins but my last Hepasil
- Work stuff
- I got Zack and Steve to help me move my couch and washer/dryer this weekend
- The recycling at home (new place and old) is gone but I left the work stuff at work, DOH!
- I've almost drank all of my 100 oz of water (I only made 80 last night)
- Made my bed and I will lie in it, later
I had some iced tea and sweet n low today. I think I was pretty diligent other than that. I just wanted something and that was the best choice for where the cravings were heading.
Monday, April 28, 2008
The Opening Reception: Who was promised punch and pie?
Well, by the end of my thirtieth year of life I finally realized something. I realized that my doctors were making me crazy and making my problem worse. It's no biggie, just PCOS, which is a hormone disorder. Every time they would try to fix me, I'd gain at least 20 pounds and turn into Cybil until I fired them like the last time. It was like 14 years in an abusive relationship and I got the trailer, lol! Through all of this I realized they don't have the tools to fix me, I think this is on me to fix. I think it's also possible that I was never broken to begin with, that they made any issue I may have had far worse than it ever was. Anyhoo, so I devised a little plan from the knowledge I gained when I was a doctor on TV. It just so happened to coincide with work's Biggest Loser Contest. Fate smiles on me, don't be jealous.
This was the plan:
- Cut out processed and fast foods
- Cut out alcohol
- Start lifting weights again
- Only eat whole wheat breads, pastas, and grains
Past this my only goal was to eat better and ditch a few bad habits I'd picked up along the years.
I did really well for the first three or four months and the bottom fell out. I had lost 25 pounds just by adhering to my little plan and I got really stressed out and I let it all go to crap. That situation has been resolved to my liking. :)~ But, sadly, all that luscious enthusiasm I had in the beginning is tapped out. I've gained a little of the weight back, plummeted in from 1st to 3rd for the ladies in our competition, and I'm trying to fake the enthusiasm until I get there again. Now, I just need to get serious and most likely more strict than I had been. And, drum roll please, my plan:
Goal: Lose 34 pounds by 7/14/08 and win the Biggest Loser for the ladies figures.
- Cut out all soda
- No more than 4 alcoholic beverages a week (I was generous)
- The drinks may only be hard liquor on the rocks or water back
- Phase out all dairy products
- Drink 100 oz of water per day (Monday - Friday)
- I'm allowed the minimum of 64 oz of water on Saturdays and Sundays
- Give up salad dressing except on rare occasions
- Do abs at least 4 times weekly (goal 6 times weekly)
- Do a total body workout (from trainer) a minimum of 2 times weekly (goal 3 times weekly)
- Cardio is a minimum of 4 times weekly (goal 6 times weekly)
- Get 7 hours of sleep (people who got more sleep are clinically proven to lose more weight than those that are under sleeping)
- Cut out all artificial sweeteners (these hang on to the weight and affect your insulin levels)
- No eating 3 hours before bedtime
Today was the start day, I plan to eliminate a lot of these out of my diet slowly. More on that later, I need to get to bed early.
Today I accomplished:
- Created a blog
- Talked myself into working out
- 40 minutes of cardio
- 20 reps/3 sets of the bridge and cobra (to strengthen my core muscles)
- My grocery shopping
- Got to bed on time
- Took all of my vitamins but my 3rd hepasil
- Talked about my feelings
- Group hugs and unicorns with rays of rainbow lights shooting from their eyes (what were we talking about?)