Wow, much has happened since I last rapped to ya Blog. I'm going to try to piece this together like a very fuzzy drunken night.
I don't know if I earned my once beloved Dance Dance Revolution but I bought it shortly after my last blog. I think I had lost enough weight at the time to gift it to myself as a reward, or that's how I'm remembering it. I used it when I didn't feel like going to the gym and I was quite fond of it until I landed wrong and hurt my foot. It had September by Earth Wind and Fire which has always brought me such glee.
So my injury wasn't anything major but I was stubborn and kept working out. Silly me, you can't walk off a bone being misplaced and angry but I tried. In the meantime I aggravated a condition I hadn't had since I lived with Zack in 2003 so I had to stop wearing cute shoes. Le sigh. I also stopped doing much exercise as a result of the pain.
Things with Lefty, this is how I lovingly refer to the injured foot, got much better. I decided that my once militant workout approach would need to be revamped to prevent re-injury so I started water aerobics. I felt like the most graceful fat ballerina that the world had encountered while I was in the water. I remembered what it was like to be five again. The Carrollton pool has four water slides and a bucket that is filled with water until it is so full that it tumps over on top of you. I used to hate the sun but I enjoyed every bit of that class and the playtime afterwards until the water was so cold that it was painful to dip a toe in.
It turns out water aerobics is a gateway drug... er, not really but I started doing yoga twice a week as well. I love my yoga. We got off track around Christmas and it seems that we are getting back on track again.
So here I am starting my new years resolutions in March the way it was meant to be. I was being a little facetious, hey that's my baby's name, but spring is a time of rebirth. So now that I've recapped the last 2 years let's put you in my brain like a parasite so you can relive my last three months.
Guess who had a birthday? Oh yeah, I forgot it's just me and you, Bloggy Waters. So yeah, birthday. January 5th was my 33rd birthday and I had, with my limited knowledge of numerology, decided this was going to be my year since 3 is my life path number.
So... I guess I decided that things needed to be shaken and not stirred this year so I put away the animosity I once had for the girl who was boning my ex. There's too much to this story to go into so we'll leave it at that. It was a huge thing for me but I felt like it was a waste to be so angry when the guy was such a douche bazooka, thanks for the word Brian, to begin with. Speaking of, I told him, the ex not Brian, I didn't have any desire to be his friend shortly after I made nice with her but they were mostly unrelated to each other. I was a little more tactful but it was way overdue.
Which brings me to my conversation with someone who is far more knowledgeable about numerology. This is a year for weeding the shit out of my life and usually it starts right around your birthday. Before knowing most of this I had made the decision to purge a few undigested meals from my life. Hey this is a weight loss blog, I'm allowed to purge! Anyhoo, read about it if you care. I got it from the following website:
Before reading the Personal Year direction set for your NINE Personal
Year, there are a few key points I'd like to offer to help guide your actions
& decisions through this specific year (2010).Be careful this year.
Don't take risks or be in a hurry. Progress comes through planning Changes
abound this year. To be successful you must be ready to adjust and adapt Long
standing relationships are under pressure in (2010). Separations & partings
likely Take no chances this year... don't tempt fate or push your luck. Stay
honest accept change Resist feeling dejected this year by heavy duties... face
& complete them for success By the end of (2010) if you held the course and
worked hard, a new start arrives in (2011) Success can be attained in business,
politics & real estate if initiated during latter (2010).
You can expect life to be changing all around you. This (9) energy
affects people in various ways, but one thing is for sure, whatever is outworn
or no longer useful in your life, will likely be removed or terminated. Some
experience the (9) energy by moving to a new area, changing jobs, leaving a
marriage, a relationship or an interest of long association. Usually one's
emotions suffer in a (9) year, they appear sad, moody and temperamental, because
subconsciously they know there's a major change and realignment underway
affecting their life structures. You will be sensitive and very intuitive. It's
very important that you stay positive and mentally/emotionally optimistic,
because next year you'll be called upon to launch a whole new cycle or chapter
in your life. The experiences of your Personal Year (9) will require guts and
determination... lots of staying power, so gear up now. Be willing to let go of
the outworn and no longer useful elements of your life. Issues and emotional
involvements will be coming to a head now, so don't start anything new... be
When one is in the NINE PERSONAL YEAR, anything begun or started before
September 2010 will most probably be of short duration, not last and lack
permanence. For that reason, it isn't wise to inaugurate new projects until
after September 2010. For the present, continue housecleaning your life, have
patience, be loving to others, have compassion, tolerance and forgiveness and
above all, don't hang on to things, people or situations that are no longer
useful or productive.
So for the first time in as long as I can remember my yew years resolution isn't the lame, "lose 50 pounds" even though it kind of is. Without further ado:
New Years Resolution 2010: To finish the unfinished!
Here are a few of the things I had in mind and I will continue to edit this as I see fit:
- Lose the 50 pounds I keep saying I'll lose
- Watch my borrowed DVDs
- Read my borrowed books
- Sort those junk boxes that you keep moving from apartment to apartment
- Sort my mail bag
- Do my mending
- Get some of my clothes altered
- Get my associated degree
- Finish my vision board
- Decorate my bedroom (this is usually the first thing I do when I move... 2 years later)
- Finish the scarf I'm knitting for Andrea
- Finish some of the projects in my jewelry making box
- Sort my random boxes of magazines
- Get into some of the smaller clothes in my closet
To lose 50 pounds I will:
- Start cooking instead of hunting and gathering fast food
- Exercising at least 10 minutes a day
- Plan meals and healthier snacks
- Eat more veggies and less processed crap
- Cut back on dairy since I'm allergic
- Reduce wheat products since I suspect I have gluten issues too
- Be cognisant of how many alcohol calories I ingest
If I can't lose this 50 pounds I will be forced to get rid of the smallest size clothes I have in my closet. Actually, the verbage I use with myself is: if you can't get into your 14/16s by next year your suede A-line skirt is out the door.
So, this is one of the first leaps in that direction. Today I ate no meat!
Breakfast: Yogurt/strawberries/cereal
Lunch: Hummus/pita chips/random veggies/ranch dip
Dinner: Black bean burger/Parmesan fries/skinny margarita/ketchup/mayo/pepper
jack cheese
Holy hornbeam I'm sleepy. Good work for a Monday! BTW, for my records, yesterday was the day that the Farmer's Almanac recommended that I start dieting.
If you read this blog because you wanted to know why I'm giggling like a husky mermaid... well, I'm sorry. If I told you, you'd think I was a weird pervert but I really just have a warped sense of humor. It does have something to do with pull up pants, though.
Oh yeah! I got a new cook book! Skinny bitch in the kitch... for hungry girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking hot.
Signing off on star date 03082010250.6
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